7+ years of experience in Web/Mobile development.
- Strong HTML + CSS, SCSS, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
- React, Vue, Angular
- React Native, Flutter , Swift, Ionic, Kotlin
- Node.js, Express, Nest
- PHP, Python, Ruby , C# , Go
- MongoDB, postgreSQL, MySQL
- Responsive Web design
- Chrome extension, Bot development with NodeJS and Python
- Restful API, GraphQL , API integration, headless
- Socket programming, Socket.io, Websocket
- AWS services, Heroku, Netlify , Firebase
- GitHub/GitLab , Jira, Trello
I'm very proficient in Web Animation development as I have got an
artistic eye for design.
- Pure CSS animation
- 3D Animation with Three.js and WebGL
- Graphic animation with Canvas
- SVG graphic animation design
- parallx scroll animation
- ParticlesJS, GreenSockJS and so on.